All hospitals participating in our Maternal Data Center are encouraged to track their low risk, first birth cesarean rate (NTSV) in the Clinical Performance Measures section of the data center.
Data center users are able to visualize their NTSV rate over time and see how it compares to the Healthy People 2020 goal of 23.9% or less. They can also compare their hospital’s performance to other centers across California, review individual cases, and track clinician rates. Another way the MDC can help your hospital identify quality improvement opportunities is by analyzing what drives your NTSV cesarean delivery rates.

Maternal Data Center Resources
For user guides and recordings on using the Maternal Data Center to access your cesarean data, please log in to the MDC and visit the Support page (last link in the top black bar).
Please note: An MDC account is needed to access the Support page. If you do not have an account, please contact one of the MDC Administrators at your hospital to request access.
For additional help, or to meet your MDC Administrator, please contact